Environmental Pollution Is A Great Concern

Our environment is becoming increasingly polluted, sadly by us – humans. Everyone of us, whether you’re an adult or just a little child, is playing a part in degrading our environment.

Environmental Pollution in Nigeria

Ways The Environment Become Polluted:

  • Carelessly throwing away waste (food, nylon bags, electronic devices) at the backyard, road, roadside, etc
  • Unhygienic refuse collection
  • Improper management of refuse collection
  • Lack of result-oriented waste recycling
  • Open and filthy gutters
  • Unswept roads

Everyone can play a positive part in ensuring that environmental pollution is drastically reduced, if not totally eradicated. As environmental pollution has become a matter of grave concern, Primefield has dedicated itself since 1993 to providing a lasting Waste Management Solution. We believe that people should always use hygienic waste bins and waste management containers.

Hygienic Waste Bins
It is the duty of governments to provide street sweepers and recruit well-trained individuals to drive the vehicles (street sweepers), and sweep and clean up our streets everyday. Government owes the citizens an obligation to ensure that every gutter is closed, in order to curtail the spread of malaria and other related infections.