The profound effect of environmental pollution has posed as a threat to our society. Environmental pollution can be of various forms (land pollution, air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution) of which each have their negative impact on the society.
There are various agents that contribute to various forms of Environmental pollution listed above. Some of which are listed below:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that environmental sanitation and hygiene development around the world is becoming worse than we think. It found out via a survey that about 2.4 billion people worldwide live under highly unsanitary conditions and have very poor hygienic behaviours that make enormous their exposure to widespread of infectious diseases. The body discovered that water stored at such homes is frequently contaminated because of inadequacies in water management. Furthermore, the survey found out that refuse management in most third world countries like Nigeria is inadequate: people throw trash on the streets, gutters and around their homes. These problems are receiving increasing attention. However, considering the huge accumulation of unfinished tasks within the sector, there is still a need for more resources and decision-makers at all levels to get involved for greater mobilization.

For several decades, WHO has been at the forefront of environmental sanitation and hygiene action and created some vital key materials that are intended for technical people and policy-makers dealing with such issues. The materials include, but are not limited to, guidelines, promotional materials and best practice documents.
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